December 9, 2021DAVID WILLIAM LePAGE
December 6, 2021
Former missionary overseer to Malawi, Africa, David LePage passed away on December 6, 2021. David also served as project coordinator of North Central Africa, regional superintendent of Eastern Africa and Western Africa, and national missionary evangelist of Africa:C/E/W before his retirement to the island of Guernsey (located in the English Channel) in 2010.
World Missions Director Dr. David M. Griffis and Assistant Director Dr. M. Thomas Propes offer their sincere condolences to the family. Dr. Griffis states:
David received his call to missions in Africa at the young age of 16. While spending time in prayer, he heard the Lord say to him, “I want you in My work.” David then asked where and the Lord responded, “Africa.” He was a graduate of the Elim Pentecostal Bible College, London, England, and an ordained minister of the Church of God. His father was a Methodist lay preacher, but his parents were members of the Elim Pentecostal Church (of Great Britain) for over 55 years.
In one of their newsletters, David stated: “God’s work is not always easy; He never promised it would be. God did, however, tell us He would be there for us always and thus we have proved Him these many years.”
Field Director of Africa, Peter and Debbie Thomas, had this to say: “David was a giant, a gentle one who served the Lord in humility and total surrender. He invested his life into the ministry and life of others—a passionate evangelist, church planter, outstanding Missionary, and a true Kingdom person. The Church in Africa will remember him and his dear wife, Jean, for the love they had for the continent. Surely, we lost a true friend and brother, a servant of the Lord. In the Spirit, we can see David rejoicing in the presence of the One he loved so dearly … Jesus … the One whom he preached with passion and endurance.”