Financial Statement
Church of God World Missions is committed to sending 100% of your donations to the mission field. We receive designated and undesignated funds. The numbers below are representative of designated funds.
God has blessed our efforts to reach a world for Christ. Your gifts have made a difference in the lives of millions around the world in over one hundred and eighty countries and territories. Thousands have been saved, and hundreds of churches have been planted. We continue to train countless leaders in schools, and we assist in the operation of orphanages, elementary and secondary schools, and medical clinics.
With your continued partnership, we will reach the last, the least, and the lost in every corner of the world.

- Mission projects include humanitarian aid, short-term mission trips, Men/Women of Action trips, church buildings, property purchases, YWEA, women's ministries, literature, transportation equipment, and funds taken directly to the field by pastors or workers.
- Special offerings include gifts for disaster relief or ministries.