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Ishmael Charles
Field Director - CaribbeanBishop Ishmael Charles is married to Patricia Charles, and their union has been blessed with two married children, Ishika and Ishroy, and two granddaughters, Grace and Faith. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Theology from Lee University and a Master of Biblical Arts from the Church of God Theological Seminary in Cleveland, Tennessee. He is currently a Doctoral candidate at Pentecostal Theological Seminary and the senior Pastor of the New Testament Church of God International Worship Centre in Tortola, British Virgin Islands.
Bishop Charles has served in several other capacities such as Youth Director, Missions Coordinator, and Evangelism Director. His accomplishments included being appointed a member of the Church of God World Missions Board from 1998 – 2006. He also served as an elected member of the International Executive Council of Eighteen from 2004 - 2008 and was reappointed to the Executive Council in 2010 - 2014.
In 1994, Bishop Charles was appointed as the Administrative Bishop for the Islands of St. Kitts, Nevis, Dominica, Guadeloupe, and the British Virgin Islands. In 2012, he was appointed Caribbean Field Director. Presently he serves on the International Executive Council for the fourth time.
Bishop Charles has ministered the gospel at many seminars, crusades, revivals, camp meetings, and conferences across the United States, England, Kenya, Zambia, Indonesia, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the entire Caribbean. Without a doubt, all the glory goes to God for all that he has done.