Pavel Abashin, We Remember
June 20, 2022World Missions Director Dr. David M. Griffis and Assistant Director Dr. M. Thomas Propes were greatly saddened to hear of the passing of Pavel Abashin, Overseer of Belarus and Siberia, Russia.
Having been appointed to serve as overseer in Orel, Russia, in 2000, Pavel also served as vice-overseer to Russia from 2004 until 2008. His latest appointment to Belarus and Siberia began in 2016 until the present.
At the 25th Anniversary of the Church of God in Russia celebrated in 2018, Pavel was among those recognized for contributing to the formation of the Church of God, helping lay the foundation on which ministers of the Russian Church of God continue to build today. Along with Regional Superintendent Tom Rosson of Eastern Europe and the CIS/Turkey/Uzbekistan—Vice President ETS—and President ETS Moscow, Pavel shared a vision of a strong fraternal unity in the Churches of God in Russia, with active regional centers and spiritually strong local churches capable of creating new communities in their regions.
Rosson had this to say: “Pavel was a good friend and brother who loved God and the church.”