365 Journey
At Large
The 365 Challenge is our response to the last, the least and the lost.
The 365 Journey is our response to the last, the least, and the lost. To date the world’s total population is more than 7 billion people. Nearly half of those have never heard the name of Jesus. Most of these people reside in the 10/40 window.
Through the 365 Journey, we will advance the Kingdom of God by focusing on three key elements: the physical, material, and spiritual needs of humanity. We will meet physical needs by providing medical care and nutritious food and clean water. We will meet material needs such as shelter, clothing, and shoes. We will meet spiritual needs by telling the salvation story, discipling those we win, and planting churches globally.
We ask that you journey with us through two calls to action. First, pray. Pray for our efforts among the last, the least, and the lost. Second, give. As you partner with Church of God World Missions, please remember that 100% of your gift reaches the mission field.
Our next generations can accept the challenge as they join a local 365 Kids Club. We have available under the Explore menu 14 lessons as an addition to your current curriculum. We believe it will open their hearts to missions and reveal to them God’s heart for the world.
Enjoy our website as you learn more about the 365 Journey and connect with us to get involved. We thank you for joining our team!