Glen and Susie Anniskette
At Large
Glen and Susie Anniskette have been actively engaged in the ministry of evangelism for over fifty years. They travel extensively throughout the United States and into many nations around the world hosting crusades, leadership seminars, and revivals.
Glen was born to a Tlingit (pronounced Kleenkit) Indian family in Alaska and has been blessed with cultural insight all his life. At the age of 15, God brought him out of a life of bondage of Indian superstition and into the glorious light of the gospel of Jesus Christ when he was saved at a Church of God youth camp in British Columbia. A short time later, he was filled with the Holy Ghost. Glen set out to work for the Lord as a 17-year-old and has not looked back as he pressed on to pursue the things of the Lord and the ministry God prepared for him. Glen completed his M.A. in Psychology at the Pentecostal Theological Seminary in 2018.
Susie, a native of Tampa, Florida, has had a heart for ministry since her salvation at four years old. She received her B.A in Communications at Lee University (where she taught for 12 years) and her M.A. in Journalism at Regent University. She also earned her ordination credentials through the Church of God. She uses these degrees to minister with her husband and write for the Evangel, Church of God Sunday School Literature, and other publications.
As the years have advanced, so has the Anniskettes’ burden and ministerial challenge to not only link efforts with national leaders and promote evangelistic outreaches but also to multiply their efforts by helping the pastors and church leaders spiritually and financially. These leaders go back to their people and effectively communicate what the Spirit of God has deposited into their lives. God has confirmed His approval of this new phase of ministry through the manifestation of His mighty power during these leadership seminars.
The prayer of Glen and Susie is that God will grant a sovereign move of His Holy Spirit, save souls, restore lives, and bring deliverance and healing wherever the door of opportunity is opened to this ministry. The Anniskette’s latest project is to help found a Bible School in the outback of Australia for the First Nations people, also known as the Aboriginals.