Coleman Bailey
Europe/Middle East
Growing up, I never dreamed of being able to travel the world and do any ministry. In 2015 I moved to Kathmandu, Nepal thinking that I could help provide some assistance to people suffering from the recent earthquake. While there, God began to completely change my life, and I saw the fruits of that in my ministry. I soon started working with street children on a regular basis which naturally led me to work with orphanages there and throughout South Asia. Since then, God has blessed me with the opportunity to work with children’s homes all around the world.
Today, my work is primarily in Africa and Eastern Europe, where I am working with 22 orphanages. Here, I have been able to be a part of launching several brand new orphanages. God has also blessed me with the opportunity to lead large-scale humanitarian responses to wars both in Ukraine and in DR Congo. I am so unbelievably grateful to be in a place where every day I feel like God is using me.
When I was living in Nepal, I can remember the first time I saw a little girl eating trash (literally plastic). It horrified me, and I tried to assist her in finding food. I never dreamed of being able to do any of the ministry that God has allowed me to be a part of, but I still think about that girl all the time. In working with orphanages, we can sometimes neglect the individuality of a child due to the sheer numbers of children in one home. When I saw her, I saw a child fully known and loved by God. Still to this day, she has been a major motivation for me. For years, I have worked with the mission of helping “one more” child. As we continue to launch new orphanages, the dream still remains of helping “one more” child.