Joel and Reianna Barron
At Large
We received a call to missions in 2015 at the Mississippi Church of God Camp Meeting. While attending the service, God spoke to me instructing me that I was to move my family to Germany and lead worship at ETS. We immediately began to sell our possessions and moved to Germany on July 31, 2016. There I served as the worship leader, worship professor, and director of recruitment. When not teaching or leading worship in the school, I traveled with a team of students across the world leading worship and preaching the Gospel.
We have been married for ten years and have three children: Micah, Gabriella, and Jeremiah Barron. We have been with Church of God World Missions since the end of 2015 and served in Germany at the European Theological Seminary (“ETS”) from August 2016 – October 2021. We are now missionaries at large serving in different countries and regions in national and youth conferences as well as church leadership and worship training seminars around the world.
In September 2021, God again spoke to us that we were to move to Starkville, Mississippi and help rebuild the local Church of God there. So we again sold all our possessions and boarded a plane for the USA on October 16th. We have been working with Pastors Dennis and Jaimee Laughlin and are excited for this new chapter.
Now we work most of of the time at the Starkville Church of God as Associate/Worship Pastor where we are developing a missions program. We still travel two to three times a year internationally to teach worship and counseling. This does not include home missions in the USA or church mission trips. We also serve in leading worship for both local and statewide events. Joel serves as an elected member of the Mississippi Church of God Evangelism and Home Missions Board and was recently appointed to the Mississippi Church of God Music Committee.
My most memorable moment was when teaching a worship class, the power of the Holy Spirit came down in a teaching moment. We stopped and began to worship, weeping in His presence. I had never experienced anything like this in a classroom.