Rick and Dolores Carroll
Latin America
We have been serving as pastors, along with our daughter, in the City of Medellín, Colombia for over twenty-two years at the Great Commission Church of God.
We have opened The Center for Prayer and Discipleship”[El Centro de Oración y Disciplulado or El C.O.D. for short]. The focus of the center is to train new believers and even long-time believers, especially those who live in less affluent conditions, in the principles and realities of Christianity in hostile circumstances. The church provides materials, transportation, and meals for the students who have very limited financial resources. Because of the Lord’s blessings on the church, these students have been able to attend intensive periods of prayer, Bible study, and cultural studies every two weeks, without cost, with the idea of helping them disciple their families and begin houses of prayer, or house churches in their communities.
The most memorable moment has been the divine call that the Lord gave us in the presence of many witnesses. It was like something out of the book of Acts. Throughout our tenure in Colombia things have not been easiest at times, but the call of the Lord upon our lives has helped us to remain encouraged, faithful, and focused. We knew nothing about Colombia when we first came to live in Medellín in 2000. We could not speak the language. We had no family or friends. We knew absolutely no one. But God, through His faithfulness, made it possible for us to minister to the people whose language we could not speak. He has sustained them and the church. Now, we are moving forward for His glory.