Kevin and Angela Chapman
We were married in Savannah, Georgia, in 1996 and have faithfully served the Church of God as lead pastors, student ministers, church planters, and now missionaries.
We reside in Orange County, California, where Angela works as a Speech-Language Pathologist. She is a graduate of Western North Carolina, MS CCC-SLP. We have two children, Kade and Kyle. In addition to missionary travels and making disciples, I am enrolled at the Pentecostal Theological Seminary.
With more than twenty-five full-time years in pastoral and church ministry, we travel to Southeast Asia as featured speakers, fundraisers, trainers of church leaders, and encouragers to pastors. While making disciples of all nations is the mandate for all Christians, reaching Asians for Jesus has become our mission since our first visit to Southeast Asia. The passion for world missions is twofold: for us to go and tell and invite Asians to come share and train. Essentially, we build a two-way bridge from Southeast Asia to California.