Mike and Sheila Eaton
Latin America
Sixteen years ago God led us to Pucallpa, Peru in the Amazon jungle, and we are still working there today. Our missionary journey began in 1992 with a short-term missions trip to Arica, Chile where God unmistakably confirmed the call to missions. Sheila, our two children, and I started our full time missionary work in Ambato, Ecuador working with the Quichua Indians high in the Andes Mountains.
Since that time we have served as pastors, church planters, Orphanage Directors, church builders, and evangelists. We have served and lived in several countries in South and Central America. One of our greatest joys has been directing and supporting our feeding centers in Peru where we feed the children and elderly weekly. What an honor!
Now we feel God is calling us to establish a new church in the center of the city of Pucallpa. How exciting to be a part of God’s great and final last day harvest of souls!