John and Kathy Hayes

Latin America
John and Kathy Hayes are missionaries to the tribal groups of the Amazon Basin and the street kids of São Paulo.
Missionary #: 060-0063

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John and Kathy Hayes served as missionaries to Brazil beginning in 1983. They founded and directed the “Center for Transcultural Missions” in São Paulo (WEAC Center) to prepare the Latin American missionary force for ministry around the world. During the 24 years that they were in Southern Brazil, they planted five churches and founded a ministry to street kids called the City of Refuge.

John and Kathy moved to Manaus in 2007 where they served as pastors of the Campos Sales church, regional overseer, and coordinator of a church planting movement of over 30 churches with Amazon Missions. John also founded the Arrowhead Project to reach the tribal groups of the Amazon Basin. Then for a period of time, they served as pastors in Florida, California, and Colorado.

John and Kathy have returned to Brazil to assist two main unreached people groups. They will be working with the Arrowhead Project in Manaus to evangelize, train indigenous pastors, and plant churches among the tribes. The priority will be to mobilize missionary efforts within the 121 unreached tribes in Brazil. The street children around the world are also considered to be an unreached people group. John and Kathy will assist the ministry to street children and feeding centers for children at risk called “Jim’s Kids” in São Paulo with special projects.

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