Luke and Sarah Hollifield
Europe/Middle East
We’re the Hollifields, and we currently serve in Nairn, Scotland, a small seaside town east of Inverness in the Highlands. We pastor a small but dedicated congregation. Our deepest desire is to see Nairn on fire for Jesus, and we pursue this goal every single day, whether by being involved in the local football club, holding ladies and mens gatherings, evangelizing at community events, and serving in every way possible.
We love Jesus so much that we want His name to be known in every corner of the earth. That’s why we’re on a mission to make disciples, display the deep love of Jesus, boldly proclaim His word, and show the world our incredible Savior. Our family includes our four wonderful daughters: Lilly, Elliott, Arden, and Micah. We love spending time together hiking, baking, building with Legos, watching movies, and gathering around the piano.
Both of us graduated from Lee University, Luke in 2014 with a degree in Interdisciplinary Studies, with foci in Theology, Biology, English, and Psychology. Sarah graduated in 2015 with a degree in English Education. Our call to missions spans back to when we were newly dating, and God called us both individually. We have been preparing for this moment ever since then. It is our joy and honor to carry out that calling here in Scotland. Soli Deo Gloria!