Bobby & Tamitha Lynch
Latin America
Living in and serving from Quito, Ecuador, we have cared for at-risk kids and trained ministers across Latin America since 2007. Bobby primarily designs and oversees innovative ways to journey with vulnerable people and resource-scarce communities to find healing and hope as Coordinator for Special Projects in Latin America in ways that blend practical social ministry to at-risk children with ministerial formation in the field.
Because two out of three children experience severe trauma before the age of sixteen, Tamitha serves “the least of these” as the Specialist for Holistic Child Development in Latin America by directing the ministries of Project M25, like Give Water and Give Christmas. She also provides resources and training to ministers in Latin America and North America to promote resilience, emotional healing, and spiritual growth for vulnerable children.
In 2002, we took a leap of faith to follow God’s call to the mission field. We sold our home, quit our jobs, and left the comforts of Anniston, Alabama, to answer the call to minister to the last, the least, and the lost in a radical way. For 5 years, we served with City of Refuge as inner-city missionaries to desperate neighborhoods in Atlanta. Living and serving in the notorious “ghetto” formed our never-yielding understanding of God’s commitment to the poor and our call to live in solidarity with them also.
After 5 years of working in inner-city missions, we felt a strong pull to work in a developing international context. Immediately upon hearing about the needs for a professor of Missions at the seminary in Quito, Ecuador, as well as the many opportunities for children’s ministry, God compelled us to “GO!” Once again, we radically followed Jesus into the unknown. We knew that Ecuador was to be the next step for our family.