Julie Martinez
At Large
I have served on the mission field for more than 25 years. Much of my work has been focused upon the poor and has always included education in some form. During my time overseas I have planted several churches, overseen orphanages, pioneered several ministries, and founded many schools. I have lived in five different countries.
Currently, I am living in the United States but still travel overseas. I continue to work in the field of education and teach classes at international Bible colleges and training schools. I also do extensive work with orphanages in a variety of locations and work closely with the organization Serving Orphans Worldwide.
I have recently founded a new initiative called the DoubleTree Foundation in Zambia, which provides second chances to impoverished adults through education, skills training, and discipleship.
There have been many memorable moments on the field, some that were profound and others that were ridiculous. One very strong memory is being chased by a hippo when I lived in Africa and running for my life. A more rewarding memory would be a recent trip I took to Zambia where I had the opportunity to connect with a number of individuals whom I had taught more than sixteen years ago. I knew the reunion would be fun, but I was unprepared for how deep the connections would be with my former students. They are now in their thirties with families.
It was such a blessing to see what they are doing currently and how they are serving the Lord. Additionally, they told me how my time as their teacher impacted their lives. One had even named his daughter after me. That time was truly a gift from God. I was unprepared for it but extremely grateful that God gave me an opportunity to see the value of the work and service rendered so many years ago.