Vance and Kari Massengill
Europe/Middle East
Vance and Kari Massengill, along with their daughters Leandra and Kendra, work to train and mobilize the diaspora Christian communities in the Middle East for missionary engagement to the unreached people groups of the Middle East. By equipping and empowering the tiny minority of Christians in this part of the world, the laborers for the harvest can significantly be increased in an area where 80% of those who have never heard the gospel reside. The whole church reaching the whole world for the glory of God.
The Massengills have served as missionaries since 1996. Vance is the only person in the world with 3 degrees in Intercultural Studies (missiology) and has studied Islam for more than 20 years. He will use this expertise in mobilizing the Christian population in the Middle East. Kari is currently obtaining her second masters in Christian counseling in order to minister to the diverse population located in the region. Both Leandra’s and Kendra’s primary focus will be on children’s ministry in the local churches to instill a culture of missionary engagement in the next generation.
The Massengills returned to the US in 2021 for 4 years to help the American church. During this time, God not only increased their love and passion for those unreached by the gospel of Christ, but also giving them an equal love for the church itself. In their return to the Middle East, they seek to not only evangelize those who have never heard the gospel, but also mobilize the small groups of churches in the region for the same task.
The number one reason for Muslim resistance to the Good News of Jesus Christ is not Islam or persecution, but lies in the painful fact that they simply have never heard it. The Massengills are willing to do whatever it takes to ensure that changes. All nations must hear, and they go to this volatile part of the world to make sure that happens.