Larry and Glenna Odam
At Large
Larry and Glenna Odam spend much of their time on the mission field constructing churches, orphanages, and seminaries as well as evangelizing.
Missionary #: 102-9442
We serve in four continents doing construction of churches, orphanages, and seminaries. Another part of our ministry is buying large quantities of food and supplies for feeding centers. A third focus is rescuing children from sex trafficking. We also make it a point to evangelize local communities.
We have been in missionary work since the early 2000s, spending the first twelve years in various countries in South America doing construction work. The last twelve years, we have worked mostly in Europe, Asia, and India.
We have been able to rescue children from sex trafficking, help relocate families from the Ukraine war and reunite with family members in Romania, and help restore a former pastor back into ministry.