Luis and Abigail Pacheco
Our family serves as tentmakers in Nagasaki, Japan. We evangelize through house-to-house leaflets. We are developing a Hispanic group in the military chapel and collaborating with the discipleship program for the children of the military. Act 13:47 was the word we received before moving to Japan. “For thus the Lord has commanded us, saying: I have set you to be a light for the Gentiles, so that you may be a salvation to the ends of the earth.”
We became missionaries because of our unique experiences with God as we have served others in the past and because of the fire in our hearts to do God’s will. As we pray, give, teach, and preach, we are creating a spiritual, emotional, physiological, and economic coverage from God for the people we serve.
We cannot serve others without a team; a team is required to build a tent over people who lost everything. Our team includes our two beautiful daughters, Yoraios and Shalome. “Yoraios” means beauty in Greek. Shalome is Hebrew for peace. Their names symbolize our mission: “How Yoraios are the feet of those who announce the Shalome!” Together we have collaborated to spread the Word of God in America, Europe, and Asia where we have planted a church in Newport News, Virginia, revitalized the church in Southern Spain, reforged and pastored a church in Saint Augustine, Florida.
There have been many memorable moments as a missionary. Still, my favorite moment is when I saw God heal a deaf youth who had been delivered from demons. Another memory was when God told a person what they said the night before the church meeting that no one else knew. God healed the person’s soul, and they gave their heart to Jesus.