Sebastian and Katelyne Schmidgall
Europe/Middle East
Sebastian and Katelyne Schmidgall are ministering in Israel where their focus is to run the Margaret Gaines Intercultural Ministry Center on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. There they hope to disciple young people from the Holy Land and the Middle East. It is also their desire to strengthen the local churches and assist in discipleship and teaching at the Church of God school in Aboud.
Sebastian is a second-generation minister who was born in Jerusalem and has a strong burden for the people of the Holy Land. He plans to continue his studies and gain a PhD from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Katelyne comes from Florida and is a daughter of a Church of God minister. She began to share in Sebastian’s burden when they traveled to Jerusalem and she became acquainted with the culture and the people of the land. They both met at Lee University while pursuing their Masters (MABTS/Sebastian) and Bachelors (Katelyne) degrees. They married after graduating in 2011 and have three children (two sons and one daughter): Sebastian Cornelius II, Arcelus Gabriel, and Aurelia Esther.
Both Katelyne and Sebastian have a deep passion to reach the Last, the Least, and the Lost. Watching people being transformed into the image of God is their greatest desire.