Steffen and Lisette Schumacher
Europe/Middle East
Since 2013, Steffen and Lisa Schumacher have been part of the international staff at the European Theological Seminary (ETS) in Germany where young people from Europe and beyond come to be trained in church ministries. Whether teaching or supporting the school in administrative functions, they enjoy investing in the students while watching them grow in character, leadership, and practical ministry.
Lisa was born to missionary parents and raised in the Church of God. She sensed the call to missionary service very early in life and felt a specific draw back to Europe, where she had spent most of her childhood. She returned to Germany as an associate missionary in 2000 and met and married Steffen in 2003. Steffen grew up in the Church of God in Germany and has always been passionate about serving within the church and teaching.
Alongside their involvement in the seminary, they have always been active in the work of the local church, including preaching and assisting the translation team. Steffen also serves in the national church’s educational division, helping to develop their training programs for ministers and laity within the Church of God in Germany.
Their most memorable moments have been those instances of divine affirmation that come in the form of special provision, an open door, or a word received at the right time.