Frankie and Joyce Tyson
Latin America
Frankie and Joyce Tyson serve in Guatemala where they preach and teach the Word as well as build churches and Bible schools.
Missionary #: 060-0001
We are missionaries to Guatemala! In 1987 we received a distinct calling from God to serve as missionaries in Central America. We have served faithfully as missionaries ministering through the following:
- preaching
- teaching
- church planting
- building churches and clinics
- constructing Bible schools
- building over 40 houses for needy pastors and their families
- responding to those suffering from earthquakes, hurricanes, tropical storms, flooding and the covid-19 pandemic
- bringing teams from the United States to help build and minister throughout Guatemala
There are so many memorable events that have taken place over the years, but nothing is greater than seeing the many hundreds of people commit their lives to Jesus Christ! It is also a great honor to see the smiles on the faces of pastors and their families when we’re able to rebuild their homes after they’ve lost everything.
All of this is a direct result of your prayers and financial support over the years.