Abram and Elva Valadez
Europe/Middle East
The Lord spoke to us about Turkey while we were working as co-pastors and church planters in our local church in Dallas, Texas. We were involved in planting our second church when God called us to go and reach the last, the least, and the lost on another continent. Obeying the Lord, we set everything in place and started on this journey.
We have seen the hand of God move in extraordinary ways. There are five levels to categorize language difficulty, level five being the most difficult. English and Spanish are both level one. We have been challenged to learn the Turkish language which is level four. Within the first week, we were asked to lead worship. From that time, we started singing in Turkish and serve as worship leaders and discipleship leaders in our small congregation.
We have been able to work with our local church in the areas of evangelization, music training, worship training, and discipleship. We also have the opportunity to reach out to Syrian refugee families. We are planting our first church in Turkey!