Michelle Vallez
Europe/Middle East
Working in Germany for over 25 years, my focus has been on teaching, both in the local church (Christliches Zentrum Life in Pluederhausen) and at institutions such as the European Theological Seminary and Discipleship College in Eldoret, Kenya. Among courses I’ve taught are Introduction to Christian Education, Principles of Teaching and Learning, and Intercultural Communication.
I also work with our local community Refugee Assistance group providing language support and tutoring in German. As a tentmaker, I do freelance teaching in English and German at a private language school.
My first work as a missionary began when I was asked to join the staff at EBS (now ETS) and assist with the music program. From the time I came to the Lord, during my first year in Germany, I always believed he would call me to ministry and that it would be in an international setting, and that’s what happened!
There have been so many memorable moments during my time as a missionary and educator, but the ones that give me the most joy are those when I get to experience learning take place, when I can see that a student has just understood an idea for the first time, made a connection that wasn’t there before, or maybe seen a passage of Scripture from a new perspective. Sometimes they even say, “Aha!”