Jim and Mindy Wiese
We have been called to the Islands of the South Pacific in Samoa where we facilitated the establishment of the first Church of God on the island of Samoa and the first Ordained Minister with Church of God in Samoa. The vision that God has given us is for even more and includes our areas of focus.
Faith Community. As an evangelist, the doors have been open to minister most Sundays somewhere on one of the islands. We are active with Call to Prayer, a group of ministers that come together to pray for the nation. We are part of a group of young people at Supernatural Fellowship that call us “Papa Jim and Momma Mindy”.
Community. We go weekly to the Campus of Hope, an orphanage/foster home. The children love our visits. We teach them Bible stories and just spend time with the children. This area is closed to most, but God has given us favor. The other part of community is working along side other non-profit organizations such as Faith Angel Foundation where we minister to children and new moms and babies at the hospital. We go out to villages and rural areas providing good news of Jesus and food. We also volunteer at Samoa Victims Support Group and have assisted with recovery classes.
Business Community. We support several businesses with prayer, and as one fondly says, “You are our missionaries.” We attend and participate in Bible Studies and retreats for businesses. We have become “family” at several of the businesses on the island.
Education Community. Jesus! Shoes and Balloons! We have been able with the help of our partners to give over 4,000 pairs of shoes to children. Ministering in this area has given us a new platform in the schools. We have now become weekly tutors for English and are teaching the Bible every Wednesday. We have become missionaries to several schools.
At the Church of God Samoa Outreach and Learning Center (SOLC), we are believing for greater things to come! The harvest is great and the workers are needed.