World Missions Launches Church Planting and Revitalization Effort
November 3, 2022Cleveland, TN: Dr. M. Thomas Propes, Director of Church of God World Missions, and Assistant Director Dr. John D. Childers, today announced the formation of a church planting and church revitalization initiative outside the United States and Canada.
“If we are going to see a worldwide harvest of souls, we must do everything within our power to plant life-giving churches. Church of God World Missions is committed to not only planting new churches, but also to revitalizing and bringing new life into existing congregations. With churches in 186 countries of the world, we must seize every opportunity to reach those who have not yet accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Additionally, we must strategically concentrate our efforts in areas where the name of Jesus Christ has never been heard,” stated Director Propes.
The World Missions church planting and revitalization effort is a part of the “365 Challenge” launched at the 2022 International General Assembly and will be structured by and under the direction of the five World Missions field directors. When asked about the structure, Assistant Director Childers noted, “Each area of the world is different. Our field directors will have latitude to mold the initiative to fit their area of service. Our only goal is to see souls won into the Kingdom.”
Goals and objectives for the different areas of the world, along with the strategies for each, will be drafted and implemented by Church of God World Missions ministry teams.
In commending this initiative, Dr. Timothy M. Hill, General Overseer of the Church of God and liaison to Church of God World Missions, stated, “World Missions is a vital part of the `Finish Commission – Harvest’ effort. Our joint commitment to church planting and revitalization will help us reach our goal of carrying the Gospel to all corners of the world.”